Writing to motivate the unvaccinated.
This week I saw Joe Biden tell off the unvaccinated:
“Many of us are frustrated with the nearly 80 million Americans who are still not vaccinated even though the vaccine is safe, effective and free”
Well that won’t work, Joe.
He addressed the 25% of Americans who were not vaccinated, pleading with them and reasoning with them to get the jab, effectively calling them irresponsible and uncaring if they didn’t.
Ah Joe, people are not that rational. Those words become Negative Social Proof. That is, it would actively discourage people to do what you wanted them to do.
Here is why:
We like to be morally right.
We like to be part of a majority.
To focus on the few and declare them a big number, 80 million, makes them feel as if they were more numerous and important than they actually are. People follow the herd, so if they think they ARE the herd, they stay there.
“We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal is costing all of us.”
Morally condemning those not doing what you want causes them to dig their heels in harder. Their emotions are against you – there is no moving them now.
Also sounds like a threat. Americans don’t take well to threats.
Then Joe tried reason. Reason does not motivate, especially if you just lost them emotionally.
So what could he have done?
He needed Positive Social Proof. Let’s make a new speech about vaccinating Victoria:
“We are coming ever closer to a safe and open Australia as so many compassionate, proud Victorians get vaccinated.” -Me, not Dan.
Let’s take a look at each part:
“We are coming ever closer…”
Inclusive language, ‘We’, followed by urgency and immanency – ever closer. It’s soon!
“…to a safe and open Australia…”
Patriotic, inclusive “Australia”, then a glimpse at the goal – to be safe and open. Avoid ‘free’ here, as that would imply that they currently are not. Best keep it to ‘open’.
“…as so many compassionate, proud Victorians…”
‘So many’ is where the herd is. Follow the herd. Follow… Follow…
Also inclusive and patriotic; ‘Proud’ strikes a chord with those who like flags, and ‘Compassionate’ for those who don’t.
Add in a bit of Sydney rivalry by saying ‘Victorians’ instead of just ‘people’ or ‘Australians’.
“…get vaccinated.”
The action identified. Go do this thing to be one of those proud and compassionate Victorians.
So there’s your speech, Joe – address only the herd doing the thing you want, and the rest are more likely to do it too.